ParaTan Inner Sakthi Yoga – Goddess Temple within

Mother Kali Puja at our Mahavidya Temple in Tamil Nadu South India

ParaTan Inner Sakthi Yoga – Goddess Temple Within 

Sakthi is an important principle, almost a mantra,  which has entered into the new spirituality at a global level and the worldwide resurgence of the worship of the Goddess.

She is the prime focus of Tantric Yoga, one of India’s greatest traditions,  which contains a comprehensive worship of the  Goddess through profound rituals and meditations.  

ParaTan Inner Sakthi Yoga affords us a direct means to access Her power and presence through a tradition that has never lost connection to Her grace.

Sakthi is Commonly Misunderstood.

Yet Sakthi, like Tantra, is a subject that is commonly misunderstood. Sakthi is not simply about sexuality or the feminine, though it significantly includes these.  Sakthi relates to all cosmic energies and the union of all opposites. Sakthi represents the extraordinary and cataclysmic powers of the magical Conscious Universe in which we live. Sakthi is on all levels of matter and mind, nature and spirit, the individual and the collective.

Sakthi and Shiva

Sakthi is ultimately the power of the Absolute or ‘Pure Con­sciousness,’ called Para-Shiva, the ‘Supreme Shiva’ in yogic thought. Shiva is the cosmic masculine principle that compliments Shakti as the cosmic feminine force. So any objective examination of  Sakthi must also include an examination of Shiva.

The cosmic forces of Shiva and Sakthi form the basis for the divine powers or deities that rule over all the different pro­ cesses within the universe. So any objective examination of Sakthi must also look into the role of these deities, the great Gods and God­desses of the living world.

ParaTan Inner Sakthi Yoga Examines Sakthi 

ParaTan Inner Sakthi Yoga examines Sakthi in a broader context as the power of universal awareness. It explores Sakthi as the underlying source behind all the forces of nature, from physical forces like electro­ magnetism to spiritual energies like the Kundalini.

Final liberation is attained by the knowledge that the atma (soul)is the witness, is the truth, is omnipresent, is one, free from all deluding distractions of self and not-self, the supreme, and though abiding in the body is not in the body. –
Mahanirvana Tantra XIV, 116

Path of Spiritual Love

Because of the growing interest in the path of spiritual love, whereby we can tune in to the forces of evolution by awakening our latent spiritual potential.

 I would enjoy sharing with all how to flow with the evolutionary process, eventually elevating our entire world to a higher level of existence.

In the past months, I have written many articles on ParaTan, but have yet to give an introduction on the subject. This introduction is intended primarily for those approaching this form of healing for the first time and those who just attended sound healing circles, hoping it will help create a deeper understanding of the subject.

Just as fog before the Sun, ignorance melts away before Knowledge. Uninterrupted self-inquiry, the inner self, and the reality of the I acquire knowledge. As you remove the husk that covers the rice, so too does the ignorance that adheres to the mind has to be removed by being continually aware of the inner self, and not acting out life by impulse and need.

We can help you change the scenario of Live Now

Modern society are under tremendous pressure, perhaps greater than at any other time in history. Whatever the lifestyle, one seems to move too fast to digest the daily experiences. The complexity of life has become such that one is emotionally interwoven. 

The Natural life rhythm cannot absorb the constant impact of the multi-media, urban living, combined with the many power struggles, which are outside the domain of an individual’s control. To help you change the scenario of LIVE NOW, an unfortunate reaction leading ever faster down the road of disaster, encouraging self-indulgence and excesses on many levels, I have created a center in a remote village in South India, free from modern influence.

ParaTan Inner Sakthi Yoga Sadhana

During ParaTan Inner Sakthi Yoga Sadhana or healing session, we use Bija Sound for healing work with Kundalini Energy that manifests itself in us, in as many ways as the sun has rays. In most persons, it is latent. By using Mantra Sakthi, we activate this powerful energy with each sound. ParaTan session can be compared to an electric light dimmer, which gradually releases more power with each turn of the dial, so too, increasing the energy within with each sound session. With ParaTan, one does not have to spend long periods of meditation or lots of complicated practices; just being able to receive is what is needed.

Awakening Kundalini Devi’s Energy

The first stage in ParaTan is becoming aware. It presents a well-laid-out plan, encompassing more aspects of one’s life. The Kundalini energy that we work with is more like a concentric circle. It is ever-expanding. There is a vast potential that lies within each of us. The potential of energy, power, heightened perception, and awareness. The evolution of each individual must now refer to the evolution of consciousness. ParaTan offers a blueprint of the vast energy circuits in the body to be taped, thus promoting joy and happiness.

The Kundalini energy, properly handled and controlled, can become a powerful tool in one’s life. It often makes its presence felt accidentally or only in a limited way, as clairvoyance, clairaudience, or personal magnetism. Most people who attend ParaTan circles have, in some way or the other, felt this energy, mainly as personal magnetism.

ParaTan Inner Sakthi Yoga and Tantra

ParaTan is a new science, a limp of the ancient science of the Universe, called Tantra. It is the common heritage of humanity as it was the way of life in most continence of the world before the Dark Age. ParaTan is a science that goes beyond the barrier of any particular faith or religion, system, or theology and takes on the nature of a spiritual process capable of being worked out within the interior of human consciousness, irrespective of the personality. This consciousness shines as the universal common factor in all life. It runs as a subtle, invisible link to all life through Mother Consciousness.

ParaTan, by itself, is a term that implies bringing human involvement in sorrow and suffering to an end. The life of humans here in this universe is characterized by experiences that they do not like painful experiences. There are experiences that they seek to avoid but discover by the time they approach the end of their life that they are unavoidable. Pain, sorrow, and suffering are part and parcel of earthly living. This earthly life seems inevitable, yet humans worldwide try to avoid suffering and sorrow, pain and misery, and obtain, somehow or the other, a state of Joy or Happiness. In this, humans fail. The individual has failed in this ever since the dawn of creation.

The purpose of ParaTan Inner Sakthi Yoga

As its name Inner Sakthi Yoga indicates, it is not just a presentation of the outer aspects of Tantra or an academic study of the subject. Our aim is to instruct serious students in the more profound Tantric tradition of Self-realization through working with Sakthi and  Shiva.

The teaching reflects the larger and older tradition of  Tantra. The purpose of ParaTan is to try to restore to humans their pristine state of perfect bliss. This it done by liberating the human individual from their over-involvement in body, senses, and mind. 

To become liberated from the bondage of pain, thus ending the union of human nature with pain and fostering Mother Consciousness. How is this cessation of pain brought about by uniting the consciousness with that which is of the nature of Bliss?

 By invoking the Divine Mother within all, the Nadi system permeates every cell in the body, clearing infected cells within every organ in the body and activating the Kundalini.

The Chakra and Nadi system

There are seven chakras, and in the early stages, if awakened, the chakras are usually perceived as wheels of light or local auras of various colors and sounds. Various sounds of the Divine Mother, The Gods, and The Planets easily stimulate each of them. 

It is interesting to note that acupuncture has an essential point in the navel called the Shingetsu point. Here is where the Divine energy flows in and out of the body. 

Yoga and Prana

Yoga teaching is similar on this point. In Yoga, energy is known as Prana, and the prana for the entire physical body enters from the Universe through the Kandasthana, a spherical region around the navel. Here prana transforms into physiological energy and is distributed throughout the body through physical nadis to maintain life. Here I would like to add that navel piercing can affect this energy flow, and in my work, I have found that it does.

Element and Chakras

The five elements that give birth to the Universe also form the organs in the body and are seated in the chakras. Tantric teaching views human beings as a microcosmic copy of the macrocosmic forces. 

The first five chakras are connected with the five elements, and the cosmic energy plane is connected with the chakras. The elements are, one earth is seated in the Muladhara chakra. 2. Water is seated in the Svadhisthana chakra. 3. Fire is seated in the Manipura chakra, 4. Air is seated in the Anahata chakra. 5. Akasha
is seated in the Visuddha chakra, and they are the five primary principles of consciousness. They constitute an energy continuum from its most subtle vibratory level to the densest. 

Element an aspect of Healing

Element is also an essential aspect of healing. When imbalanced, one becomes an uncentered mind trapped by desire, which leads to bondage, and is not purified. Even after death, The I consciousness remains ready to relearn what has not been learned in the last birth.

The elements must be balanced for healing to take full effect and be long-lasting. Each year around November, I usually make a pilgrimage to all the element temples that help me balance the elements within. These five elements pervade all things and underlie their manifest form. 

The presiding deity of these five realms is Lord Shiva in different forms; in Chidambaram- Lord Siva is worshiped as Sky; in Tiruvanaikkaval – here he is worshiped as water; in Tiruvannamalai – here, he is worshiped as fire; in Kanchipuram, he is worshiped as earth, in Sri Kalahasti- here he worshiped as air. These temples are extraordinary, and one can feel the energies of the elements in these temples when visiting as real devoted pilgrim.

Our Divine Mother’s Gift to Humanity

ParaTan is a gift that has been shared with many students in Australia, the USA, France, Italy, and the Netherlands. This gift cannot be given to anybody without deep love and intimacy.

One has to be capable of receiving such a gift. One has to have faith, love, and trust. This gift can be received when the heart is filled with trust and love. As instructed by Mother, I am here to share Her gift; it can be given to you only when you are ready. 

Your readiness means that doubt should disappear from the mind. Doubt must not be suppressed; you
should not try to defeat it because defeated, it will remain in you, suppressed. It will remain part of your unconscious and affect you. Rather than trying to suppress doubt, one must bring more and more energy of trust and love into one’s life.

Doubt, Belief, Trust or Faith

Doubt is a negative attitude toward anything. 

Belief is when the mind looks at things positively and tries to find reasons, and rationalizations, how to support them, and how to be for them.

The mind that doubts suppresses belief; the mind that believes suppresses doubt. Thus, both are of the same stuff; the quality is not different.

Faith is not belief, for it does not need to find reasoning or justification, for it is total. Faith is not belief because there is no doubt in it, not a rationalization at all, neither for nor against, neither one nor the other.  Unconditional love gives space for faith to enter your being, thus becoming a true Divine Healer.

One has to be indifferent to doubt or belief, not be for doubt or belief, or not be against them. Anyone entering the path of ParaTan must, most of all, have faith, for this is the science of life, not what the mind can define.

The Mentor and ParaTan

As this science is new to the world, it has to be learned from a master who knows mantras and Goddess worship and then apply the principle to my work. The master that you decide to learn from must know all the 43 Goddess within the Sri Chakra, the Mahavidyas, the Vidyas, the elements, and the Planets, for all of them have to dance in Harmony within you, for total healing and Joy.

As the founder of this science, I do not imply that all should come to me, but by coming to me, you get direct instructions. ParaTan has been handed down by word of mouth, as with all Tantric science. In contrast, it can be very safely used with the guidance of a Master. It can be dangerous when experimented on, for it can activate the Kundalini energy. When you are with a teacher/master, you should not be on a head trip.

Doubt, Belief, and Head Trip

Doubt and belief are head trips, so you should be on a heart trip instead. The heart does not know what doubt is nor belief, for the heart, knows trust. The heart is just like a little child who clings to the Mother’s hand and follows wherever the Mother goes, neither trusting nor doubting; the child is undivided. That is why I love having children around me feel the same in my company, for they know love.

When you enter the deepest valley of reception, the highest peaks of consciousness can be given to you, for only a valley can receive a peak. A female student should be feminine and receptive, like the womb; then, only she can receive all that a teacher can share.

Want to Learn ParaTan Inner Sakthi Yoga Sadhana

When wondering about learning ParaTan sound healing, the flowing questions must be asked.

What is the purpose of my life?
What makes my life worth living? 
Am I experiencing real life filled with love?
This is the beginning of self-inquiry.

Without such self-inquiry, you are subject to the authority and opinions of others, parents, friends, mass media, etc. Then we have to release all of our concepts and ideas, anything we have accepted blindly, without question. Such unquestioning acceptance of authority is equivalent to allowing ourselves to be hypnotized, programmed, and conditioned. 

ParaTan can help you to find the inner strength needed to walk in the space of Love and faith in yourself, thus exercising freedom. 

Western Seekers

Many Westerners find it difficult to put their faith in something from which there is no tangible return. With ParaTan, there are tangible experiences, but yet doubt keeps them from going beyond healing and exploring self-growth. 

The fear of putting years of effort into what could prove to be an illusion is understandable. The proof that this arduous task of self-development is worth all the effort lies in the emergence of self-mastery in your life. 

Mantra Sadhana

ParaTan Inner Sakthi Yoga Mantra Sadhana can offer all increased concentration, freedom from emotional turmoil, growing awareness, loss of fear, growing courage, and inner knowing and security. All these qualities will pave the way to realization, and what so far experienced by many students is proof to all that the Road is indeed real.

In the Western, seekers know too much; they have become too much of the head. That is why it is difficult to find the heart; there are many healers, writers, therapists, and great knowers. They can recite what they have learned by memory, a generation of heads. The last time I offered healers course in Holland, mid-way, I knew that none were ready to be healers because they were too much in the head.

Western Therapist

Sometimes, whenever a Western therapist approaches me from the head, it is difficult to communicate with them from the heart space. A person who knows too much becomes almost impossible because they know without knowing. Such persons have gathered many concepts, theories, and doctrines. It is just a burden on their consciousness, for it is all borrowed, and all that is borrowed is rubbish, rot, so please throw it as soon as you can. Only that which happens to you is true. 

Only that which flowers in you is truth. Only that which flowers in you are true. Only that which grows in you is true and alive. Come explore ParaTan with an open heart and mind, and you will flower into a beautiful being, always working in the space of love; this I guarantee.

Borrowed Knowledge 

Borrowed knowledge becomes a trick of the mind, hides ignorance, and never destroys it. The more you are surrounded by knowledge, deep inside at the center, at the very root of your being, is ignorance and darkness there. A person of knowledge, borrowed knowledge, is almost closed within their own knowledge and hard to penetrate; then, it is hard to find their heart.

Sometimes knowledge can become too much of an addiction to knowledge; it is a drug. It is like taking marijuana; it only gives you a glimpse of something that is not there, a dream of something that is absolutely subjective, and a hallucination of knowing. You start feeling that you know because you can argue. 

You know, because you have a very logical keen mind. Do not be a fool, logic has never led anybody to the truth, and the rational mind is just a game. All arguments are juvenile.

Life exists without any argument, and truth needs no proof. It requires only your heart, not arguments, but your love, trust, and readiness to receive.

Indian and Western Mind.

There are two minds in the world, the Indian and the Western. The Indian is illogical, and the Western is logical. The Indian moves into the dark and wild depths, where there are no boundaries. The Western mind walks on the
logical, along a straight line, where everything is defined and classified. The Western mind works into the known. The Indian mind moves into the unknown, even more the unknowable. The Western mind is rational; the Indian mind is contradictory. 

If you find too many contradictions in me, do not be bothered. It is just the way The Divine Mother has created me. Thank Goddess, She sent me to live in the West for 27 years. This has also made me partly rational. Rational enough to share Her teaching in the West.

ParaTan in NOT just a Healing Art

With ParaTan, is not just a healing art. It is a spiritual path whereby one worships the human body as the body of the Goddess and Gods. In Tantra, even though it is said that the woman is the same as the Great Goddess of
Tantra, no one worships their Female partner and the Man as God. ParaTan offers a very efficient way of changing the body’s molecular structure, and those who have experienced the healing circles will notice that their face gradually gets brighter and their body becomes lighter. The face is the widow to the Soul – An inner happening.

Our Center in India

The circle is only an introduction to what can happen to you. For real change to take effect and stay, you have to free yourself and enter the space of void, into nothingness. It is difficult to experience this nothingness within one’s home and work environment. That is why we have set up a center in India. We are offering monthly and two monthly programs in India. This training is only for those who want to grow and for one who can leave their ego behind.

Nearly everyone who came to India for two months changed dramatically; they became lighter and more radiant. Even the children within the environment became softer and more radiant in how they spoke and behaved. 

Imagine attending the circles once a week and experiencing change. Can you imagine what it would be like should give yourself two months doing the same thing? Changing the body’s molecular structure is easy, but sustaining the change takes time. I can guarantee a change for those who earnestly want to grow and
change, look more radiant, become younger, and walk permanently in the space of love

My visit to Holland

Some years ago, when I was in Holland, I offered a person who attended the circle to help her change the molecular structure of her face. I did not tell her my intention, as it was a feeling that I had that it was possible. She went on holiday on the weekend that I was free, so I offered to another. Within two days, working about 12 hours a day with her, her face changed, and her lips and smile became straight. She looked a few years younger. After that weekend she visited the circle few time a week, until I left Holland, her whole face stayed transformed. To sustain the change she also came to India for three months, and now back again to be in India for 1 year.

ParaTan as a Way of Life

There is a tendency in the mind to avoid intimate relationship with the teacher that is what becomes a barrier in taking the ParaTan as a way of life. You would like to remain uncommitted, you would like to learn, but you would like to stay uncommitted. However, you cannot learn. That is not the way. You cannot learn from the outside. 

You have to enter the inner shrine of the teacher. You must commit yourself. Without it, you cannot grow. Without it, you will learn a little from here and there, and you can accumulate specific knowledge that will not help. Instead, it may become an encumbrance. 

A deep commitment is needed. A total commitment is a fact because many things will happen. If you are just outside on the periphery, just learning as a casual visitor, then much is not possible because what will happen to you within the world of madness? 

Mother is offering many new tools to help you grow, to be happy and light, and a chance to gravitate towards the space of nothingness. You have wondered for many lives and would you still like to keep wondering? 

Make a commitment to yourself, that growth is the most important, to experience and remain within the love space. You have experienced many wonderful experiences during the circle, don’t you want to live within that very space all the time.

Vanakkam – May the Divine Mother of Creation Grace your Life


Mother Center
Mahavidya Temple
1/244 Killankulam village,

Periayur Taluk, Madurai district,  Tamil Nadu, India   625703 

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