ParaTan (Tantric) Inner Sakthi Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses is an excellent introduction to the essence of Hindu Tantrism. On this website, we will discuss all the major concepts and offers valuable corrections for many existing misconceptions. We will introduce the core Tantric practices of meditation and mantra recitation, focusing on the Ten Wisdom Goddesses (Dasha-Mahavidva), either during our Saturday Zoom Meeting or in-person teaching at our Mahavidya Temple.

The problem with Western students of Tantrism goes to the trouble of studying the Tantric literature itself (whether in the original Sanskrit language or in reliable translations). They also tend to overlook the fact that Tantrism is an initiatory tradition, that is to say, it is based on the time-honored guru-disciple relationship. No scripture can convey the living experience that is central to a spiritual tradition. It is the teacher’s instructions that infuse the scriptures with lifeblood. Moreover, it is the guru who in countless practical ways assists tire disciple’s spiritual awakening and subsequent growth.

Tantrism is a powerful spiritual path, and like anything that is powerful, it has its dangers. Without real guidance and a strong sense of responsibility, the Tantric practitioner is apt to succumb to ego inflation and the misuse of the abilities awakened in him or her.

It is also true that few Westerners are prepared for a traditional pupilage. According to an old adage, the teacher comes when the pupil is ready. Clearly, then, anyone interested in practicing Tantrism must first study the Tantric teachings to obtain the necessary intellectual and moral foundation for real Tantric discipline. The Mahavidya Temple in Tamil Nadu, South India is ideally suited to provide such a basis for further study and practice.

The Mahavidya Goddesses and the High PriestessThe wisdom (Mahavidya) Goddesses are Mother Kali, Tara, Tripura Sundari, Bhuvanesvari, Chinnamasta, Bhairavi, Dhumavati, Bagalamukhi, Matangi, and Kamala, thus knowing the Great Goddess Shakti. They are located in different parts of our Subtle Body, but with women, they are also in the Sacred Womb.

WHY PRIESTESS INSTEAD OF A PRIESTMaeva Rouquette - Priestess training

In ordinary human society, man and woman represent Shiva and Sakthi respectively. In the universal mind, time and space represent Shiva and Sakthi aspects. In the spiritual life, the mind and prana represent Shiva and Sakthi. In hatha yogic texts, these two Shaktis are known as Ida and Pingala. Ida represents the consciousness and Pingala represents the life force, or prana.

The spiritual awareness of women is more to serve as Priestess at the Mahavidya Temple, for in the Tantric tradition, the woman is considered to be higher than the man so far as the Tantric initiations are concerned.

It is purely a spiritual attitude in relation to the evolution of higher consciousness. The frame of a woman, her emotions, and her psychic evolution is definitely higher than that of a man. Awakening of the spiritual force, that is, Kundalini Devi, is much easier in the body of a woman than in the body of a man.

Besides this, there is another important point that we have to understand. Generally, a man who goes into the deeper realms of mind and comes out, is not able to bring those experiences back with him, but a woman can. It seems to me that there is very little difference between a woman’s inner and outer awareness. 

Apart from this, the psychic being of a woman is highly charged with spiritual awareness. The external expression that you will find in a woman or in a girl – love for beauty, tenderness, sympathy, understanding, are expressions of her inner state

In the realm of kundalini yoga also, the woman’s body is charged by a particular centre. Mooladhara chakra in the male body is intricately situated in a very congested area. Men do moola bandha and still nothing happens. But in a woman’s body, you can even touch mooladhara with your fingers. Therefore, awakening can take place in a woman’s body much more quickly than in the body of a man.